This is me, I am currently at student at the University of Waterloo and this
website was created to help me keep track of the jobs I applied to
externally. :)
This is a photo of me when I went to NYC at a breakfast diner
The objective:
The purpose of this website was to help me log my journey of jobs I applied
to and to help me further improve my skills for the next interview.
Future Plans:
I want to probably integrate LeetCode progresses, AI NLP to help with any
questions related to job interviews, pagination, fix the notes section and
it's formatting, obviously UI/UX design (defintely) and probably quality of
life updates. Maybe also a section where users can collectively share their
responses for common interview questions and other users can vote on how
good they think it is and acts as a place for others to get inspiration
(paywall feature maybe? 🤔). Def not any sort of friend / connect feature
since thats not what this site is about.
Backend solutions:
Definitely up on security and scalability as well as optimize api requests
to supabase. I dont plan on using their storage bucket since Postgres doesnt
support pdf files but there are defintely different alternatives.
I want to be able to let a few friends use this and see how it goes, its
probably a funny website to use and provides semi to little usefulness but
as time goes on hopefully this site receives more updates to better the USER